Someone left behind
After one year of living in the small rural village in Cambodia, I moved to the capital, Phnom Penh, last month to start my new job at an...
Life as a pregnant woman (girl) in rural Cambodia
It’s the middle of November. I am riding a motorbike among the rural villages in Northern Cambodia, looking for as many pregnant women as...
When being healthy is an odd thing
“Who among these young children are unwell?” asked the health officer during a field visit to a remote village. “This one: the tall and...
Back in Asia - New Journey in Cambodia ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា
After spending most of my time last year in Africa (Kenya and Madagascar), my new journey begins in Cambodia. Finally, I am back in a...
A quick look back into 6 months in Madagascar
Madagascar, one of the dream places in which I longed to be when I was young, is where I claimed “home” for the second half of 2017. Yet,...
“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure.” – Freya...
還記得小時後逼令我把飯吃光的一句話:埃塞俄比亞的小孩得沒飯吃啊! 雖然我心裡一直在思考著把自己的飯吃光和令埃塞俄比亞的小孩得到溫飽有甚麼直接關係,但無論如何,這句話自此就給了我對埃塞俄比亞貧窮、落後、飢荒的印象。 二十年之後,我為工作跑到來非洲肯亞(其實倒是為非洲跑到來肯亞...