2016 University of Hong Kong (HKSAR)
Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) in Ecology & Biodiversity
2013 Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.)
Major: Global Environmental Change & Sustainability
Minor: Entrepreneurship & Management
Scholarships and Awards
2017 Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student (University of Hong Kong)
2016 Finalist of Famelab Competition Hong Kong
2014 – 2016 Postgraduate Scholarship funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC, HK)
2013 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF, US)
2020 Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), granted 80,000 USD; Project Title: “NGO Capacity Building and Community Protected Area Development at Stung Sen Ramsar Site, Cambodia”. Role: Lead Proposal Writer
2018 IDEA WILD, granted 750 USD; Project Title: A coral nursery pilot project and long-term water temperature monitoring program in the Bay of Ranobe, Toliara, Madagascar; Role: Principle Investigator
2017 Waitt Foundation Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grant, granted 7,033 USD; Project Title: Artificial Reef Establishment: Providing Low-cost, Reproducible Solution to Practical Problem; Role: Principle Investigator
Peer-reviewed Publications
IE Conti-Jerpe, PD Thompson, CWM Wong, NL Oliveira, NN Duprey, MA Moynihan, DM Baker (2020) Trophic strategy and bleaching resistance in reef-building corals. Science Advances 6(15), eaaz5443.
CWM Wong, IE Conti-Jerpe, LJ Raymundo, C Dingle, G Araujo, A Ponzo, DM Baker (2019) Whale shark tourism: impacts on coral reefs in the Philippines. Environmental Management 63(2), 282–291.
Press release:
K Kang, Y Ni, J Li, L Imamovic, C Sarkar, MD Kobler, Y Heshiki, T Zheng, S Kumari, JCY Wong, A Archana, CWM Wong, CE Dingle, S Denizen, DM Baker, MOA Sommer, CJ Webster, G Panagiotou (2018) The metro system may modulate the skin microbiome and resistome by its environmental exposures and the inner- and inter-city traffic flows. Cell Reports 24, 1190-1202.
In the news:
NN Duprey, SE McIlroy, TPT Ng, PD Thompson, T Kim, JCY Wong, CWM Wong, SM Husa, SMH Li, GA Williams, DM Baker (2017) Facing a wicked problem with optimism: issues and priorities for coral conservation in Hong Kong. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(11), 2521-2545.
CWM Wong, NN Duprey, DM Baker (2017) New insights on the nitrogen footprint of a coastal megalopolis from coral-hosted Symbiodinium δ15N. Environmental Science and Technology 51(4), 1981-1987.
CWM Wong. "EMBRACE Project, Positive Deviance (PD)/Hearth Component." Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Alliance Cambodia Annual Workshop 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Oral Presentation)
CWM Wong, NN Duprey, DM Baker. “Porites-hosted Symbiodinium δ15N reveals seasonally changing nitrogen sources across Hong Kong’s marine environment.” 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) 2016, Hawaii, USA (Poster Presentation)
CWM Wong, IE Conti-Jerpe, LJ Raymundo, CE Dingle, A Ponzo, DM Baker. “The Environmental Cost of Eco-tourism: Assessing the Impacts of Whale Shark Tourism on Coral Communities in Tan-awan, Cebu, the Philippines.” Graduate Consortium of Ecology and Conservation 2015, Guangzhou, China (Oral Presentation)
CWM Wong, NN Duprey, A Anand, DM Baker. “Insight into anthropogenic nitrogen sources to coral communities in an urbanized seascape.” International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems 2015, Hong Kong (Poster Presentation) & 7th University Consortium on Aquatic Sciences 2015, Xiamen, China (Oral Presentation)